Outdoor Maternity Session at Longfellow Gardens, Minneapolis
Remember that heat wave in June? The one that killed all the flowers in a matter of days and left everything brown? Me too. Cause I had a mom who wanted a colorful, flower-filled outdoor session. And I did my due diligence! I went to this location a month before and talked to the groundskeeper to ask what kind of flowers she planned to sow, then I went again a couple days before and was pleased to find pinks and purples and oranges, which were the perfect compliment to the dresses mom had picked from my client closet. Then came session day. A broiling Thursday evening in June where I not only found wilting blossoms, but also that my sun predictor app had told me the sun was going to be in the exact opposite part of the sky it told me weeks before. Of course both times I’d visited it was mid-day and the sun was at its peak, so that was no help.
Also, it was hot. And not just sun warmed hot. It was 100 degrees in the shade. Mom wanted to tough it out, and if a pregnant woman could do it, so could I! Well at the end I was dripping with sweat–which, really, what’s new? And unsurprisingly we ended up with some stunning images for this beautiful young mom! This ended up being one of my favorite outdoor sessions, which I know I say about every session, but it’s always true.
Since I was scrambling to find new locations because the sun had DECEIVED ME, I was a little anxious but after this was the first shot I took, I knew we were going to be ok. The GLOW on this woman. Phew!

The only thing this mom requested was an open belly shot, which I had completely forgotten about in my hustle and anxiety, so I’m glad she reminded me because I am obsessed with this image. She looks like a fairy queen relaxing in the lush forest and I am all about it. Like get out of here with those lashes!

We moved on to her second dress of choice which is rapidly becoming one of my all-time favorites. This Chicaboo Sunflower gown is so gorgeous during golden hour. It was the perfect color for mom and you could tell she felt like a goddess. And look at her perfect little round belly. I love it!

And you know I had to throw on one of my zip tie crowns to complete the look. Goddess vibes all DAY.

I really am so lucky to have clients that trust my vision even when they show up to location to find brown grass and dead blossoms. This young woman is going to be such a great mom and I’m so happy for her and her motherhood journey.