I love milestone sessions! Don’t get me wrong, I love newborns and the snuggles but definitely next on my favorites list is the little ones that can sit up and interact. The best is when they smile back at anyone who smiles at them. It melts my heart. For the past pandemi lovato, I’ve been wearing a mask during all my sessions, which makes it a little more challenging to get the littles to smile at me, but lately they’ve been responding pretty well to my smile eyes.

I also cannot get enough of a five year old. My three year old wants absolutely nothing to do with pictures. He says “cheeeese” and looks away from the camera as soon as he sees it. But five year olds are hams. They want all the attention. “Look what I’m doing! Take my picture!” It’s great. My friend’s son even said the other day that he can’t wait to be 5 so I can take his picture again. And who isn’t a sucker for curls?

I love a simple setup for sitters too. My grandmother recently passed away and we found some pictures of her as a little girl sitting in a metal basin on a farm and it was so cute but I wish I had something of her all dolled up and getting to be the girly girl she really was. To the end of her days she drew her eyebrows on, often haphazardly, and put on lipstick. I wish there was a photo somewhere of her in pearls and a tutu, she would have loved that.

Also, can we take a moment to appreciate the true star of simple sitter photos—those big baby eyes! I can’t get enough. Now that I have a bigger studio, I’m looking forward to being able to offer cake smash sessions as well! Coming soon!