One of the indeed many things I love about my husband is that if I explain to him the benefits and potential results of doing something, he’ll start doing it all the time. For instance, I told him once about an article I read that said babies learn colors faster if you put the color behind the thing you’re describing instead of in front (ie-look at the block that is red vs look at the red block) and he described the color of absolutely everything in that way until our Charlie knew his colors backwards and forwards. More recently, I told him about a candle hack I saw on TikTok to keep candles from melting unevenly and wasting wax and boom there’s a tinfoil hat on every candle he lights.
So if you’re like my husband and need a little more explanation as to why I’ve asked you to do all these seemingly silly and carefully timed things before your newborn session, then this blog is for you!
First up: scheduling. I only take a certain number of newborns a month to ensure I have enough wiggle room to be flexible in scheduling. You’ll quickly learn after your first baby is born that you’re not in charge of anything anymore and they run the show. That starts to happen as soon as you go into labor. For that reason, I ask that we schedule your due date at least a few months in advance to make sure I have room in my limited calendar for you and bubs.
Next: baby prep. I know it sounds like a lot to ask, but a bath in the morning before your session is a great way to keep bubs awake and engaged before we need them to be asleep for 2-3 hours. It also gets all the goop and dry skin taken care of so they’re perfect and comfy for their session. For the same reason, I ask that you feed them according to how long your car ride is and possibly try to keep them awake in the car. A sleepy, full baby is a happy, poseable baby!
And speaking of car rides… please keep baby in only a diaper Spring-Fall or a warm zipper onesie in the winter. I know it seems like they’re going to freeze, but you’d be amazed how warm car seats keep little ones and the wonders 3 or 4 blankets will do to keep them toasty. The less I have to move your little around to get them undressed, the better!
Pacifiers! I know this can be a controversial topic, but hear me out. Pacifiers are of course optional, but can really help a session go smoothly for everyone involved. A lot of babies go through cluster feeding, which can derail a session pretty easily. In these cases, a pacifier can be a great way to squeeze in a little extra time between snacks and limit comfort nursing. I understand that parents have strong feelings about wanting babies to use pacifiers, but I recommend being open to the use of a pacifier just for your session. A few hours isn’t going to hurt anyone and can cut down on a lot of stress for everybody!
Everything will be set up when you arrive so all you have to do is relax and take a breather, unless bubs needs feeding or changing! Enjoy this chunky little one’s gallery 🙂