There have been some videos circulating social media lately of newborn photographers handling newborns in let’s say less than optimal ways. As a newborn photographer, and a mom, my first priority is always safety. I have invested lots of time and money learning this craft and making sure that everything I do with your precious new life is done as safely as possible. With that being said, I thought I’d show how we get from A to B to C in one of the more advances poses in newborn photography—froggy.

No doubt it’s a parent favorite, and you can see why! It’s adorable! Little toes, squishy cheeks, tiny hands, it’s got everything. This pose is one that has to be done very carefully and as a composite, meaning I take two images while baby is being held by your own hands safely and securely and then merge them into the final image below

The first step is making sure baby has a full tummy and is warm and happy. Some babies aren’t big fans of this pose and if there’s more than a little squeak, I don’t push them. This requires some flexibility and is difficult for babies with reflux or significant gas because they’re often stiff and have little bloated bellies. I don’t do this pose at every session, I feel out how baby is doing with posing and go from there.

So the first image taken is holding baby securely by the wrists under their chin. At no time will you be holding baby up, they are holding their own weight and in no danger, but your hand are there to make sure their startle reflex doesn’t get the better of them.

Next up, we carefully shift hands to the top of the head, again not taking any of the baby’s weight, just providing a little safeguard.

The whole thing takes 2-3 minutes and we move on! A successful froggy is very satisfying and always a parent fav!