Probably my favorite part and my husband’s least favorite part of this job is the prop making. Especially since the more I make at cost, the more I get to spend on fuzzy blankets and faux florals! The number of times I have come home from somewhere with a pile of stuff and said “Hey babe, do you think you could make this into ::something::?” is, at this point, innumerable. One time he made an unfinished toy chest from Joann into an airplane. True story. Please enjoy the photo of my son modeling it in his pajamas.

There’s a saying about Kiwi men (ahem, blokes) that they can do anything. Whenever I’m particularly proud of my darling husband for building me something and I post it to my personal Facebook, our friends from NZ universally say “of course he did, he’s a Kiwi bloke.” I should have learned my lesson a long time ago.

Anyway, I love having an in-house prop maker because it allows me to create one of a kind custom props that make for an extra special session. My newest custom prop, the birch bed, is for a couple expecting a son at the end of the month whose father is into hunting, so I have a little deer romper and bonnet and a camouflage heart for him to hold. I think I’ll also sneak it into a few sitter sessions until then because it’s the perfect little daybed size for bigger babies.

As for my next prop, I have in mind a little curved bench also made out of birch because we have some left over, and I’m obsessed with birch right now. So nice to have your own chippy around! Oh, my husband also made the posing table the bed is sitting on. That’s right, he can do anything!