by Tasha Dreadon | Nov 30, 2021 | family sessions, locations
It’s About the Kids Anyway I love taking pictures of kids. First of all, they’re way less concerned with looking a certain way than adults are. They’re free from the burden of societal expectations and that’s awesome. And if they are concerned with how they look, it’s...
by Tasha Dreadon | Nov 28, 2021 | family sessions, locations
Family Photography Locations Family sessions can feel like a daunting thing to take on, especially with uncooperative children (ahem… and husbands). Deciding what to wear, where to shoot, when to shoot–there are so many things to consider. I love shooting on...
by Tasha Dreadon | Sep 8, 2021 | family sessions, locations
Family Photography Portrait Locations in the Twin Cities Family photography portrait locations is one of the things I’m always on the lookout for. The number of times I’ve had to ask my husband to turn around so I could check the light at a random park or...