Minneapolis Cake Smash
My cousins are massive nerds. I’m talking Harry Potter AND Lord of the Rings references in their newborn son, Sam’s, session. And I am HERE FOR IT. I love the nerds. Bring me all the nerd babies. I can’t get enough. So when we started talking about what to do for Sam’s first birthday cake smash I knew exactly what to do. And it certainly didn’t hurt that there was a house sorting TikTok sound trending at the moment.
When I started googling for ideas about set design etc I found that there were a lot of house sorting cake smashes, but none where the kiddo got to pick their own house. There was one where the parents took a test for them and then got that themed cake, but both my cousin and I were pretty convinced this needed to be as authentic as possible. Here’s what we ended up with…
A Harry Potter House Sorting
We started with the four house cupcakes (giant ones OBVIOUSLY.) I arranged them so that his parents’ houses were in the middle (Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw) just to stack the deck a liiiiittle bit. And cue: Professor McGonagall–

The absolute best part was getting to watch little Sam contemplate all his options before making a final decision. First we saw him fake us out heading for Gryffindor–which honestly would not have been a surprising pick for him, so we were on board.

And he reached for it a couple times, just to be really sure that wasn’t the house for him. Then he started going for Ravenclaw, and dad did a really good job of not cheering when he first reached–ya know, so as not to skew the results.

As you can maybe tell from his little chubby leg, we have selected a house. RAVENCLAW! Dad was proud, Mom was not at all surprised. A proud day for everyone! Little Sam then proceeded to emphasize his choice by picking up the cake stand and showing me the Ravenclaw sigil, just in case I was confused about which he’d chosen. He offered us each a taste before smashing his giant cupcake into a pancake and then hopped in the bath with his brand new Ravenclaw tie. A delightful time was had by all!