Archer was such a fun little dude to hang out with! He was all about putting everything in his mouth, ya know, like a normal baby. I couldn’t get enough of his little facial expressions. Definitely the best part of sitter sessions is getting all the faces from a little and every once in a while, a smile! Something I’ve noticed with COVID, and not at all unexpectedly, is that babies are a little less reactive to me because they can’t see me smiling at them, but this little guy scrunched his eyes back at me every time I smiled. Like he was trying to reciprocate even though he didn’t know what was going on. What a sweetie!

Milk baths are fun because it gives babies something to do while I’m clicking away at them, so they get just distracted enough to forget about being weirded out and get on with being cute. I’m so excited to move to a new, bigger space to have more room for things like milk baths and cake smashes!